December 3, 2012



To:                   Northwest Regional Council Members

From:              Northwest Council Officers

Subject:           PRE-SUBMITTED NEW BUSINESS: Questions for Northwest Vice President Elections





Each odd year, each region in SPEEA elects their Regional Vice Presidents.  The Northwest Council shall select five or six questions and give each candidate for the Executive Board Vice Presidential position an opportunity to respond to them in writing in a SPEEA-paid publication, mailed to each member of SPEEA in the region so as to arrive just before or at the same time as the election ballot. 



The candidates should be allowed at least two weeks to prepare their statements if at all possible and shall be given an opportunity to proof their statements prior to publication.


Each candidate shall have a maximum of 1000 words for the position statement, to be split among the questions as the candidate wishes.  If a candidate chooses not to respond to a question, that question for that candidate shall show "No response provided by the candidate," but those words shall not count in the number of words allowed.


The Tellers Committee shall establish the schedule for notifying the candidates, candidates returning their statements, and mailing the statements.


The Northwest Council Officers propose the following questions be approved:




It is moved that the following questions be submitted to the applicants for the Northwest Regional Vice Presidential Candidates and their response be included in the Voters Guide.


1.    What do you see as the primary challenges SPEEA faces and what are your solutions?

2.    What do you see as the primary challenges the NW Region faces and what are your solutions?

3.    What experience and skills would you bring to the Executive Board?

4.    How will you represent the NW region as a regional Vice President?

5.    Why are you interested in the Vice President position?